Greyhound Poops On Ohio Family
Bus company sued for repulsive highway latrine-dumping incident

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NOVEMBER 7--An Ohio family is suing Greyhound Lines, claiming that they were driving behind one of the company's buses when the vehicle discharged its latrine, covering them and their car with a fetid stew of human waste, toilet paper, and chemicals. In a Court of Common Pleas lawsuit, Robert and Angela Stokes charge that they were driving last May (Mother's Day, to be exact) on I-75 in Toledo when 'Greyhound Bus No. 6426' suddenly 'emptied the contents of its latrine.' The Stokes, who were traveling with their three children, claim that they and their 2002 Ford Explorer were covered with 'human urine, human feces, toilet paper, other waste products' and a liquid toilet chemical known as F-104 Inca Gold. Along with destroying their car, the Stokes contend that the bus discharge ruined their clothes and caused them to incur about $10,000 in medical bills. The complaint, an excerpt of which you'll find below, seeks at least $300,000 in total damages for the five family members. (6 pages)